

建立了质量. 新能源. 服务热线: 913.851.3399 请求一个报价 服务热线 电子游戏娱乐网页 职业生涯 住宅 商业 地热 新建筑 博客 电子游戏娱乐网站 搜索 使用条款 介绍 兰开斯特加热 & 冷却,公司. (“Lancaster”) is pleased to give you access to its web site (the “Site”), free of charge. 您对本网站的使用, 所有的信息, 本网站的产品及服务(统称为, the “服务s”) are subject to the binding legal terms set forth below (“Terms”). You understand we may update these Terms from time to time without giving you any notice. 使用本网站即表示您同意以下各项条款.  If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, do not use this website. 本网站包含到其他网站的链接. 您使用该等其他网站须遵守本使用条款, 如果有任何, 包含在每个这样的网站. If there is any conflict between the Terms set forth below and any Terms or notices set forth on any other Website, 则该等其他网站的条款将控制您对该等网站的使用. Please review the 使用条款 for each Website so that you understand all of the terms that will apply. 责任限制 本网站的信息是免费提供的, and you acknowledge that it would be unreasonable to hold us liable in respect of this website and the information on this website. While it is our goal to ensure that the information on this website is correct and up-to-date, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we not commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on this website is kept updated. 在适用法律允许的最大范围内 we exclude all representations, 保证和条件(包括, 但不限于, 质量满意法则所隐含的条件, 适合目的和使用合理的谨慎和技能). Our 责任 is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. 我们不承担任何直接责任, 间接 or 重要的 loss or 损害 arising under these terms and conditions or in connection with our website, 是否因侵权而产生, 合同, 否则——包括, 但不限于, 任何利润损失, 合同, 业务, 善意, data, 收入, 收入或预期节省. 然而, nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit our 责任 for fraud, 因我们的疏忽造成的死亡或人身伤害, or for any other 责任 which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. 隐私 Any information that we may collect from you during your use of the Site is subject to our 隐私政策. 您可以访问我们的隐私政策 隐私政策. 使用本网站 您可以将本网站的服务用于个人用途. 您可以查看, 下载仅用于缓存目的, 并将您在使用本网站时看到的各个屏幕复制一份, 但只供你个人使用, 不得进一步分发或转让给他人. 你不能——也同意不——修改, 重新格式化, 繁殖, 重复的, 复制, 显示, 分发, 传输, 发布, 许可证, 创作衍生作品, 转移, 出售, re出售 或以其他方式 exploit our website or material or information obtained from our website for any commercial purpose, 除非本协议另有规定, 未经我方书面同意.  另外, you agree to not re发布 material from this website (including republication on another website), or 繁殖 or store material from this website in any public or private electronic retrieval system.  You must not use our website for any purposes related to marketing without our express written consent.  您不得以任何方式使用我们的网站导致, 或者可能导致, 损害 to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the website. 您不得以任何非法的方式使用我们的网站, 非法, 欺诈的或有害的, 或与任何非法行为有关, 非法, 欺诈或有害的目的或活动. 登记 如果您决定成为本网站的注册用户, 你会被要求提供一些电子游戏娱乐网页你自己的信息.  在注册过程中, 你同意给我们真实的, 准确完整的自我信息, 并在信息发生变化时及时更新. If you do not update it, we may suspend or terminate your use of the site as explained below. 您向我们提供的任何个人信息均受我们的 隐私政策. 未获授权 Except for allowing you to use the Site for your personal use as set forth in the paragraph above, when you use the Site you are not receiving a 许可证 or any other rights from us, 包括兰开斯特的知识产权或其他专有权利. You understand that you have no rights to the services or any other Lancaster property except as indicated in this Agreement. 知识产权 除非另有说明, we or our 许可证es own the intellectual property rights in the website and material on the website. 根据以下许可,我们保留所有知识产权. All product trademarks and copyrights (including but not limited to Lancaster, etc.)仍然是其各自所有者的财产. 限制访问 我们保留限制访问我们网站区域的权利, 或者是我们整个网站, 由我们自行决定. 保护儿童 Lancaster strives to create a safe place for children on the Internet and over the airwaves. 家长控制保护(如电脑硬件), software or filtering services) are commercially available that may assist parents in limiting access to content that may be harmful to minors. 披露你的身分 From time to time we may receive requests to disclose the identities of our users. We only will disclose the identities of ours users or other personally identifiable information in accordance with the terms of our 隐私政策. 看到 隐私政策. 赔偿 You understand that you are personally responsible for your behavior while on the Site, 并同意赔偿和控制兰开斯特及其附属公司及其官员, 董事, 雇员和代理人不受任何损失, 损害, 责任, cost or expense of any kind (including attorneys’ fees) that we may incur in connection with a third party claim 或以其他方式, 与您使用或访问本网站有关, 或您违反本条款或任何第三方的权利. 免责保证 You understand that your use of the services (including any downloads and any loss of data or other 损害 to your computer system you experience from using this Site) is at your sole risk.  您了解本服务及所有信息, 产品及其他内容, 包括第三方信息, 产品和内容, 包含在本网站或可从本网站访问, 是按“现状”和“可用时”提供的吗, 如有更改,恕不另行通知.  你明白没有任何形式的保证, 无论是口头还是书面, 可以修改本文件中所列的免责条款吗. 在法律允许的最大范围内, 兰开斯特不作任何陈述, 任何形式的保证和条件, 他们表达了, 隐含, 法定或其他, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, 所有权和不侵犯所有权, 电子游戏娱乐网页服务和所有信息, 产品及其他内容, 包括第三方信息, 产品和内容, 包含在本网站或可从本网站访问. 免责声明 在适用法律允许的最大范围内, in no event with Lancaster or its affiliates be liable to you or any third party making claims through you, 赔偿任何损失, 包括但不限于任何直接, 间接, 特殊的, 重要的, 惩罚性或附带损害赔偿, 或因使用损失而损害赔偿, 利润, 数据或其他无形资产, 或替代商品或服务的采购成本, unauthorized access to and tampering with your personal information or transmissions, 由使用引起的或与使用有关的, 不会使用, 未经授权使用, 网站或服务的运行或不运行, even if Lancaster has been advised previously of the possibility of such 损害s and whether such 损害s arise in 合同, 疏忽, 侵权行为, 在法令, 在股票, 在法律上, 或以其他方式. Access Restrictions; Termination; Variation of Terms 我们可随时终止您对本网站或服务的访问. 本公司亦可随时修订本条款, and your continued use of the 服务s after any change we make will mean that you agreed with the changes. If you do not agree to any change, do not use this site in any manner for any purpose.  Please check this page regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. 网站维护 以确保您有最新的信息, 产品可用性, 还有经销商名单, 兰开斯特将不定期更新我们的网站.  但是,可能会不时出现其他延迟和服务中断. 对于由此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意.  Please check back, as we intend to have any website issues resolved very quickly. 版权及商标 All content on the Site is owned by Lancaster and/or its 许可证es and protected by applicable law, 版权所有.  兰开斯特会终止你进入, 或使用, 本网站及/或服务, 没有通知你, 如果你侵犯或盗用知识产权, 包括版权, 别人的. 全部协议 这些条款和条件, together with our privacy policy constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website, 并取代有关您使用本网站的所有先前协议. 管辖范围内 如本条款的任何部分被确定为无效或不可执行, 不影响本条款的任何其他规定, 所有这些都将保持完全有效. 本条款受, 并将根据, 堪萨斯州的法律, 不考虑任何法律选择条款. 电子游戏娱乐网站信息: 我们公司的全称是兰开斯特供热公司 & 冷却,公司.,堪萨斯州路易斯堡克雷斯特维尤圆环208号.  您可以通过电话913-837-2000与我们电子游戏娱乐网站. 请求服务 服务电话:(913)851-3399 服务于整个堪萨斯城地区,包括以下城市: Overland Park 奥拉西 Lenexa 肖尼 Leawood 草原村 任务 Roeland公园 观澜湖 球道 梅里厄姆 路易斯堡 © 电子游戏娱乐网页制热和制冷公司使用条款 | 隐私政策 | 网站地图 暖通电子游戏娱乐网站网站设计 吸引创意

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